Hey family!!!
SO much to tell you all about this week. So as I told you I have been called to be an hermana leader, and I am so excited about it. I was very sad to part with my companion hermana day after such a short period but she is in the great hands of a new trainer. I am now with hermana page and she is training me how to be a great leader. We have 2 exchanges planned for this week and I am so excited.
So EVEN BIGGER SURPRISE!!! Paulina ended up getting baptized! Ya we had a meeting with her and the bishop and she completley changed!! She told us she was ready to be baptized and changed her entire life so that she could do it this sunday. She is an AMAZING WOMAN!!! I hope that she can continue to persevear and find a new man who can treat her amazing who she can go to the temple with.
Another miricle investigator is named alex. We came accross him in the street and he needs a lot of help. He has been an alchoholic most of his life and drinks 10-20 beers a day!!! wow right!!! But we started to teach him. At first I was very hesitant about teaching him because he was just so drunk all the time. We told him to quit drinking and that through that he would be able to feel the spirit... and he accepted!!! He also promised my companion that he would never never buy any more beer!! Yesterday he only drank 2!!! I am so so so proud of him!!! Please pray for him and his body especially with the consequences and side affects of quitting his addiction.
The third and biggest miricle is a new investigator we have named Suge. She is from colombia and hemana page started teaching her and she ended up coming to church yesterday! That in itself is a miricle that a street contact that they met with for the first time came to chuch after a lesson but that isnt the only miricle with her. She told them in her first lesson that she had a dream of going into the church and she said she has had it many many times and it is very vivid. But she walked into a church with big windows by the enterance, she then walked down to a room with a pulpit and people bearing their testimonies... they then walked up the stairs to a baptism... She said she tried to take picutres but couldnt because it was a sacred moment... and that confused her. But then people opened up doors and she saw a font with crystal clear water and then the person walked down stairs to get into the water.
and after words she met gringas who told her how to make this real...
SHE WAS DESCRIBING OUR CHAPEL!!!! WORD FOR WORD. when she walked into the church for the first time she thought it was just a coincidence but then after sunday school because of paulinas baptism the font was full of water. They opened up the doors to let her see the font and guess what.... She feel to the ground sobbing all she could say was ¨this is my dream¨. it was like something out of the book of mormon. She has a family and we are hoping that all of them can come into the church. She is so amazing. Please pray especially that her huspands heart will be softened and they can be baptized.
I was so glad to hear that convention went so well and please send my reguards to dr hill. I am so proud of my dad and mom for all that they do. That takes so much courage to stand up and talk to so many people. GO DAD GO!!!
I love you all and hope you have an amazing week!!!!
Love hermana Cook