Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Ok so about this past week. It was hard. But in a good way. I truly know what it means to have love for your investigators. I really love them. I want them to grow and to progress. We have one investigator named Nicole. She is awesome! We put her on date last week and she really wants to be baptized! She got permission from her parents and all was well until yesterday when we went to go and get her for church. She didnt come! So we have to change her date from this sunday to next sunday. It really broke my heart. Because she has that desire but we just need to get her to change!
The other thing that happened this week is we are working with an investigator named isabel. She knows the church is true. she knows the book of mormon is true. She knows everything. But she will not be baptized because her whole family is catholic. It was so heartbreaking. She knows its true!! She even said we were anglelic messengers sent from god. and when she prayed she asked for forgiveness for not being baptized. I love these people so much! I want them to live with heavenly father again!! 
So we had a funny and interesting experience this week. There is this lady who absolutely not come to church unless children are banned from it. She hates hearing their testimonies especially claiming they aren't real. We bore our testimonies on the sacrament and how all needed it and so forth but we just had to laugh at how much she couldn't stand kids. They wont stop going to the bathroom and eating and so forth. Haha me and my comp just laughed that one off. 
So we had zone conference this week... my very first one and the first thing they do is have some of the missionaries bear testimony and who do they call on first? HERMANA COOK!! I was mortified! But I really enjoyed it. After they have 2 people at random give a talk about chapter 10 of preach my gospel and who did they call on. HERMANA COOK,1!! My zone leaders just really love me. I feel really good about it and it was a great experience. 
So I got the package finally and guess what? No camera cord and no essential oils.... no oils at all! SO now my oils are gold and I still can't send pictures.... boooo!!!
This week because our investigators were struggling hermana alvarez and I had a special fast. During that day I could feel the blessings of fasting. It is such a blessing that we have the opportunity to fast and my testimony of it is as strong as ever.
I also now understand what it means to feast on the scriptures. I have an hour to study every morning and it is never enough!! i always want more and more and more!! I love the book of mormon!!!
So not to scare you all this is just letting you all know... we are expecting a earthquake of 5 6 7or 8 today or tomorrow. Know that we are prepared for it and everything is ok. If I die I go straight to heaven!! 

I want you all to know that I know the church is true! it is amazing that we have it in our lives...

I love you all and hope you have an amazing week!!!
Hermana Cook

10 things I have learned in 2 months on my mission

1. I have finally figured out why some missionaries don't act like missionaries when they get home. 
Changed for a mission
Changed by a mission.
I wrote this in the front of my scriptures because I want my mission to change me and my life. I dont just want to change my life for 18 months.
2. Your friends really do determine who you become.
3. It is possible to know the church is true and not accept it. We have many investigators who tell us over and over I know your church is true, I know the BOM is true and I know you are messengers from god. But I cant change. It is truly sad.
4. Pride is the root of all evil. So many church leaders and investigators and the whole world will fall if we have pride in our hearts.
5. A mission is going through and feeling what Christ and heavenly father feel. When our investigators dont progress or break commandments... my heart breaks. But when it does you see your investigators and people through gods eyes.
6. Obedience is essential. Without obedience nothing happens.
7.Who my real friends are. I know who really cares about me because those who do take 15 min out of their day to write me a letter.
8. Communication is essential with your companions, ward, mission., everyone! I have learned how to communicate with others. What to tell say and what not to say.
9. We live in zion. Quite literally. Here visiting teachers and home teachers dont exist. Here your calling is only for sunday for 3 hours. the way that our ward works is quite literally a miricle. 
10. In the mission you are either up or down. There is no middle. You are either I am so glad I am a missionary! The church is so true! or satan is just on you and you want to go home. The important part is to make the good parts out weigh the bad. 

Missions are so hard! But that is why you change. I am so greatful for my mission

Monday, May 19, 2014

Love People, Ban Kids from Church, First Zone Conference, and More Earthquakes


Ok so about this past week. It was hard. But in a good way. I truly know what it means to have love for your investigators. I really love them. I want them to grow and to progress. We have one investigator named Nicole. She is awesome! We put her on date last week and she really wants to be baptized! She got permission from her parents and all was well until yesterday when we went to go and get her for church. She didnt come! So we have to change her date from this sunday to next sunday. It really broke my heart. Because she has that desire but we just need to get her to change!
The other thing that happened this week is we are working with an investigator named isabel. She knows the church is true. she knows the book of mormon is true. She knows everything. But she will not be baptized because her whole family is in another church. It was so heartbreaking. She knows its true!! She even said we were anglelic messengers sent from god. and when she prayed she asked for forgivness for not being baptized. I love these people so much! I want them to live with heavenly father again!! 
So we had a funny and interesting experience this week. There is this lady who absolutly not come to church unless children are banned from it. She hates hearing their testimonies especailly claiming they arent real. We bore our testimonies on the sacrament and how all needed it and so forth but we just had to laugh at how much she couldnt stand kids. They wont stop going to the bathroom and eating and so forth. Haha me and my comp just laughed that one off. 
So we had zone conference this week... my very first one and the first thing they do is have some of the missionaries bear testimony and who do they call on first? HERMANA COOK!! I was mortified! But I really enjoyed it. After they have 2 people at random give a talk about chapter 10 of preach my gospel and who did they call on. HERMANA COOK,1!! My zone leaders just really love me. I feel really good about it and it was a great experience. 
So I got the package finally and guess what? No camera chord and no essential oils.... no oils at all! SO now my oils are gold and I still cant send pictures.... boooo!!!
This week because our investigadors were struggling hermana alvarez and I had a special fast. During that day I could feel the blessings of fasting. It is such a blessing that we have the opportunity to fast and my testimony of it is as strong as ever.
I also now understand what it means to feast on the scriptures. I have an hour to study every morning and it is never enough!! i always want more and more and more!! I love the book of mormon!!!
So not to scare you all this is just letting you all know... we are expecting a earthquake of 5 6 7or 8 today or tomorrow. Know that we are prepared for it and everything is ok. If I die I go straight to heaven!! 

I want you all to know that i know the church is true! it is amazing that we have it in our lives...

I love you all and hope you have an amazing week!!!
Hermana Cook

Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day, Repentance, and Discipline

Hello family happy mothers day!!! I miss you all so much!! I hope that seeing that I am still alive kept you all at peace.
Jenna have fun at prom I wish I was there to help you get ready.
Lauren good luck on your test I will be praying for you!!
Emma! I love you emma! I prayed for you especially on your birthday!
Jonathan I loved your birthday hat! You are so lucky that you got to go to disney land! 
So more about my week that I didnt get to tell you guys about. We have a few investigators.
Nicole is 17 and has great potential but her family quite literally makes fun of her desire to go to church and learn more about god. So she is facing a lot of ridicule with them. 
Carolina is a mom of 2 and really would like repentance in her life. She is an inactive evangelical and whenever we pray she screams things like aleleuja and Praise the lord... but in spanish. It is a bit different but she is reading the book of mormon and loves it. We hope to get her a baptism date this week. The first day we contacted her she told us how she needed the love of god in her life and we read the story of alma and how he recieved a remission of his sins. She just cried right in the street! I hope that we can help her more. 
Our other investigators Tania marco and christian arent progressing they are in santiago all the time on vacation so we havent had any contact with them and they have kinda been avoiding us. So we will see if we can get back in contact with lessons. 
This week will be one of looking for new investigators. 

One thing that is different and kinda weird about chile is taxi´s. You share them with other people you dont know. The taxi wont go until the car is full. It is a great way to contact but it takes so much longer. 

I love you all so much! You have no idea how much I needed to talk to you all yesterday. I pray for you every day and carry your picture with me and show chile my perfect eternal family.
Family we have no idea how lucky we are to have mom and dad. For one thing mom. Thank you for keeping the house clean. Here people just dont care and junk is just everywhere. THANK YOU THANK YOU. Dad thank you for teaching us how to work and to respect our parents. Here many Parents let their kids do quite literally whatever they want. They just go and do whatever floats their boat and that is when they get into trouble. DICIPLINE AND RULES ARE SO GREAT. Everyday I am more and more greatful for my family and my parents. 
Mom I hope you had a great mothers day and I love you so much. I miss my mom more than anyone else! I love you!!! And cant wait for a mom hug soon.
I hope you all have a great day. The church is true! 
Hermana Cook

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Helping keep commitments, Kindness from members & BUGS!

Hola Familia!!! 
I miss you all like crazy!! I hope you are all doing well and I cant wait to talk to you next week. Its kinda rediculous. 
So about my week....
Monday I had been working all week to memorize the invitation to baptism and last monday we had an oncè appointment with Tania Marcos and Christian. And you will never guess it but they said YES!!! I at first was like wait... what?? Did I hear that right... But I did and they have a date for 18 Mayo. We will see if they actually pull through but hey its a start right? We think christian has a pollola or girlfriend which in laymans terms means that he has problems with the law of chastity. NOOOOOOO but we will continue to prepare them this week. We also have 8 other investigators but none of them are progressing or keeping commitments. Which is hard but we will contine to help them. We found new investigators Denise and Christian they are taking lessons from the jehovas witness missionaries and us and I think they are going to stick with us. They love the book of mormon and are progressing to read it. We are preparing to ask them to be baptized this week and They could easily do it. One rule in our mission is that investigators have to attend church 3 times before they can be baptized. But I think it is a great rule. 
So like the subject of my email says I am bug food. For the past week we have gone to bed and we think our matresses are infested with bugs. We cant sleep at night because we can feel them crawling all over us. We wake up with bite marks. I have about 47 just on my legs. IT IS TERRIBLE. They itch and look like giant mosquito bites. I sleep in my sleeping bag too which is very odd. We did a giant clean out today though and beat out our matterases and hopefully that does the trick. All the members joke that gringo blood tastes better and that is why I am being eaten. But I seriously love being a missionary. I really really really lucked out with my trainer. She is seriously amazing. She is the perfect balance of fun and following all the rules and very patient with me and my spanish. She helped me memorize the first vision by whenever we were walking we would say it outloud. I now have it perfect. She is so so so so so good. 
One member here her name is hermana marisol she has become my chilean mother. She takes such good care of us. Whenever we have a bad meal she brings us or makes us meals so that we are always well fed. She is also the one to give us the vacume to clean our apartment. Mom imagine a house that had not been vacumed in a year. Ya that is what it was like A TOTAL DISASTER. But with the vacume and scrubbing quite literally everything down we are now great. She also gave me medicine for the bugs. Oh I just love hermana marisol she reminds me a lot of a chilean version of mom. She is short and says the funniest things. I thank heavenly father for hemana marisol.

I love you all so much!! I cant wait to talk to you next week! have a great week!!