So this week was nuts! SO much to tell!
So on tuesday we had Elder Lynn G Robbins come and speak to our misison. He took questions from us and it was amazing! One thing he told us that we need to teach others is instead of asking what can we do to help you? asking What are you worried about right now. THIS IS SO HELPFUL and I encourage you when you do your home and visiting teaching to ask people what they are worried about. But one thing that I also loved is he said the key to LIFE is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm! And that we need to have more faith and EXPECT miricles! SO that is my goal for the next month. Also this week we had companion exchanges this week with hermana leaders. And I was left in Casa blanca by myself! well with a leader but I had to plan the whole day and know where everything was and IT WAS HARD BUT SO MUCH FUN! The hermana leader hermana barros said my spanish was perfect and that I taught so amazing she thought I had 1 year or more in my mission. She was blown away!
This week we committed 2 people to baptism! One is maria Christina and the other is just maria. They are both amazing! I hope that they can come to church so they can be baptized. They werent able to come to church yesterday because of fathers day. The reason is Maria Christian has her husband in the hospital and needed to visit him and the other Maria needed to visit her father. Very hard to get people to come to church when there is a holiday. But good news Isabel and her husband came to church again yesterday and during the sacrament oswaldo (the husband) started crying! We are going to their house tonight for family night and we wont leave until they have a baptism date!!! So any extra prayers you could say would be very very apreciated!
We also found a lot of great new investigators this week and hope we can really start teahcing them.
One problem we have right now is I dont know if you all kno this but right now is the world cup. And when Chile plays it is absolutley nuts! I have never never never seen anything like it. If you think the super bowl is huge you have not seen the world cup in chile. There is not one person not watching it. It is absolutley crazy!! So that right now is a challenge we are having. but we will keep working.
But I got your package this week!! Untouched everything inside!!! Words cannot describe the gratitude I have. Thank you thank you thank you. My companion and I especailly enjoyed the sweedish fish!!! They were so so so delicious. I also just kissed all the oils! Horray!!! Thank you thank you thank you thank you. You are seriously the best family ever. I cannot tell you how much I love you all. Emma and mom especailly thank you thank you thank you for your letters. I am sending you responses this week. Thank you for the package really words cannot describe the joy and love I felt. It was so so so so so enjoyed.
One quote I especailly loved this week
You only get one chance to serve a mission. It is your responsibility, your duty, to use it to its fullest, to give every last ounce of energy until you collapse in exhaustion at the end of it. All of the hardships, all of the tests, all of the hard work will be looked back upon as the best things you have ever done. Not because you enjoyed it, not because you baptized everyone, but becuase you gave everything you had, even when you didnt think you could and ESPECIALLY when you didnt want to.
Come out of your mission proud of what you have done and this experience will guide and bless you the rest of you life
Jeffery Holland
I love my mission. i feel lost in the work. I love you all so much and know I think of you always. You are always in my prayers. I LOVE LOVE LOV EMY FAMILY
Love Hermana Cook
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